Happy 4th of July, the day we celebrate our independence. It’s a day filled with patriotic fervor, colored red, white, and blue. Many of us will be celebrating with cookouts and parties, others in more somber ways, commemorating the veterans that came before us.
In this most important of years, an election year, I want you to think about what patriotism means to you. What do you want this country to look like? Don’t think about it in terms of individual candidates, or who you support now, or any of that. Think about what this country represents to you. Think about what the American dream means to the rest of the world. Think about how we, as a nation, should treat our people, and how we should be seen by others. Think about how you, as an American, would like to be considered as you travel about the world.
As you think about that, think about these words:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Think about the meaning of equality. Many times in our history we’ve violated this precedent, but we’ve always come around. It’s taken wars and debate and upheaval, but we’ve always come back here. All men are created equal. All men, no matter what race, gender identity, sexual preference, income level, or social class – we’re all equal.
Then I want you to really think about the person who you’re planning to vote for in the fall. I mean really think about them. Do some research, and do it on sites that don’t have a political agenda. Try to consider facts over your beliefs. Dig deep and think.
After you’ve done all that, consider your decision and go vote.
But in the meantime, have a hot dog or hamburger for me.