Fun with scanning…
Today’s event was a PET scan and a CT scan to determine in what stage is my cancer. The major problem with that one was no caffeine allowed 12 hours […]
Seemingly random writings over several years
Today’s event was a PET scan and a CT scan to determine in what stage is my cancer. The major problem with that one was no caffeine allowed 12 hours […]
I thought some of you might find the story I use to illustrate the consumer decision process amusing. This is copied directly from my lecture notes. It’s a hot summer […]
Okay, that may have been one of the most successful conversations with my kid, ever. She heard what I had to say, she asked meaningful questions, I had actual answers, […]
This is the first time this whole diagnosis has gotten me down. It’s not because I’m contemplating my mortality or any of that navel-gazing stuff, but because I have to […]
Ironically, I used to be on the Board of the Georgia Ovarian Cancer Alliance, and helped them start a program called the Bag of Hope. The Bag of Hope is […]
Seemingly everyone I speak to wants to go into marketing. One of these days I’m going to do a Porter’s Five Forces analysis on it as an industry, but until […]
Wow, what a day, with a wild variety of stuff, some of which even had to do with my lymphoma. But let’s stick to the topic. Dr. Robb called me […]
This is kind of a side note, but a scenario from my surgery admission keeps coming to mind. Since surgery of any kind is generally viewed as a potentially life-threatening […]
So yesterday was biopsy day, not really much to report. Got to the hospital at 5:45AM, went through admissions and pre-op. Got wheeled into surgery and knocked out. Woke up […]
I can’t say enough good about ENT #1, and since I’m saying nice things about him and don’t think I’ll get sued, I’ll go ahead and identify Dr. Phil Robb. […]