Live from the chemo suite

chemoI’m actually sitting in the chemo suite getting my 2nd chemo cycle while I’m writing this post. Annie had asked about what the place was like, since kids under 12 aren’t allowed, so I described it to her and promised her a couple of pics (Lost in site crash). I think she had the idea that it’s like a hospital setting.

So here’s a couple shots from the chemo suite, barely an hour old.

So here I am, plugged into my pump, sitting in one of the recliners, working away. This is generally how I look in chemo. Good thing they have good wireless. There’s also the privacy curtain, but nobody seems to use them.

This is one of the rows of recliners in the chemo suite. There’s about 30 of them. The brown ones are more comfortable!

One of the cool things with the pumps is that you’re not tethered to the wall the whole time. The pump can run on batteries, apparently for quite a long time, though I haven’t tested it for any longer than the time it takes to pee. So here I am with my unplugged pump. They see me rollin… 

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