I’m not a morning person. My Circadian rhythms are that of a night owl. I’ve discovered the secrets of the morning person by forcing myself to get up at 5:30 every morning and go to the gym. (Confession: after several weeks of this, I have to sleep in a couple days in a row for survival purposes.) For me, the thing that keeps me getting up? Hubris.
I’m excessively proud of the fact that I’ve accomplished more by 9AM than many people do all day. For example, this morning:
- Bicep/tricep workout
- 40 minutes cardio
- Finished splitting my winter firewood
- Created and spread bark mulch from the loose firewood bark
- Ate breakfast
- Did 20 minutes of SEO work
- Worked through about half my to-do list for the day
So that’s why all those morning people look so smug all the time! They’re more productive than we of the night owl clan… or at least they’re productive sooner.