At one time, I ran a blog called Fitterverse: A universe of fitness. One of my favorite features of that blog was an interview series I did with a variety of people at different stages in their fitness journey. Thanks to the Wayback Machine, I’ve been able to recapture the text of those interviews. I’ve published them here on their original publication dates.

Theresa K is a 40-something blogger and mother of twins who lives in Minnesota. She found Fitterverse on Twitter, and submitted her interview and photos via email.
FV: What made you start your fitness program?
In the fall of 2008 at the age of 42, I attended a scrapbook conference. Of course, I was the one always TAKING the photographs in my family. I was never in them. It wasn’t until another photographer took my photo (the before and after photo attached) that I realized how out of hand my weight had become. My doctor told me later that year “You are gaining a pound a year. It may not seem like much now, but it will catch up to you!”
That, and the fact that my husband is 12 years my senior, made me realize that I have to be around for my then 8-year old twins as they get older. I wasn’t getting any younger and I sure as heck have no control over what my husband chooses to do.
FV: What are your goals?
At the time, my goals were to lose a few pounds and look good in a dress. Sound petty? Well, my oldest step-daughter was to be married in June of 2009. I was determined. I started with Beachbody’s ChaLEAN Extreme and that workout took me pretty far in just a few weeks. I was inspired. And it inspired me to do more! I had no idea what I was capable of until I tried.
FV: Are you measuring progress? How?
At the time, I did it though the scale and taking measurements. Today, I judge by how my clothing fits and by how I run. I get slower and less efficient as the pounds creep on.

FV: Have you made any progress? If so, what?
Since that photo in the fall of 2008 and today, I’ve lost about 20 pounds. It doesn’t sound like much, but I’m a relatively short person. I’m leaner, and I have more energy than I have had in years. And I’ve become an excellent runner. (And I have a six-pack!)
FV: How long have you been working out? On your current program?
I have been doing P90X since the fall of 2009. I moved on to P90X after 6 months of ChaLEAN Extreme. I stuck with the program religiously until I started running seriously in 2011. Now I alternate P90X resistance workouts with my running.
FV: What are you currently doing for workouts?
If you have any familiarity with the P90X workouts, the program consists of 5 strength training workouts, a plyometric workout, a yoga workout, a stretching workout, an ab routine, a Kenpo karate routine, and a cardio routine. Today, I focus on the 5 strength training routines and my running, and typically I alternate them when I’m not training for a race. I work out with my husband and he is limited to what he can do. I find myself taking it down a notch so he can get a workout in as well.
FV: Do you use any tools? Apps? Which ones?
I keep track of my P90X routines with a notebook and the training worksheets. With running, I use Runmeter, but I did get a Garmin 620 for Christmas and I have been incorporating that as well. I’m currently training for the Boston Marathon using Hal Higdon’s Boston Bound program and
FV: What do you find difficult?
Winter in Minnesota is rough for runners. Just coping with the weather is my biggest obstacle. I have also developed Raynaud’s syndrome, so it is imperative that I keep my toes and fingers warm and well insulated, even in the fall and the spring. Also, negative feedback. There are some in my immediate circles who live in the “misery loves company” mode. Keeping your chin up and firmly believing in yourself when some may not is not easy, but VERY necessary for success!
I enjoy it all! I love being able to fit into anything. I love showing off all the hard work. I love flexing and seeing the results! It shows on my smile and in my physique. Running, though…that holds a special place in my heart. Life is stressful. Running is my escape. And I’m good at it. I’ve gotten quite a pile of age group 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place medals!
FV: Do you have any advice for people who want to start a program like yours?
Start slow and deliberate. Don’t expect miracles overnight but at the same time, don’t sabotage yourself by rewarding your efforts with food. Do it right the first time and find other methods of rewarding yourself i.e. new workout clothes, a manicure, pedicure, haircut. Anything that is not food related. Get advice from your physician before starting ANY program. Learn your limits. But at the same time, believe and achieve. I’m 47 and I made it into the Boston Marathon on my first attempt. Anything is possible if you believe!
Theresa can be found on Twitter: @ARunningChick
…and on Facebook at