I followed a link from Twitter to a video about the handling characteristics of the Suzuki GSXR-600 currently being raced in the MotoAmerica series. As is normal with a lot of online videos, I had to watch a brief ad before I got to the content I wanted to see. No big deal, but something caught my eye.
The ad was correctly targeted. It was for motorcycle insurance. The ad is filmed from the point of view of the motorcycle rider going down the road, looking over a set of handlebars. The shot then cuts to what one would assume to be the same rider going down the road, a pretty normal activity for a motorcyclist. What caught my eye, however, was the disclaimer at the bottom of the shot: “Professional rider on closed course. Do not attempt.”
Let’s talk about a huge marketing fail. You’re selling motorcycle-related products or services, and you’re illustrating them with a motorcyclist doing what motorcyclists do. If people don’t attempt to ride motorcycles, your business will eventually fail, yet you warn them against doing that very thing?
This is one of those places where the marketing people need to override the lawyers. Don’t tell your customer not to do the very thing that you need them to do to keep yourself in business.