Losing and keeping control

10498633_811900358821529_1849389595226199696_oSo as I mentioned in the post entitled Diagnosis, I was having issues with being treated like a piece of meat by ENT #2. Well, his practice actually managed to go beyond the pale of the stupidity they had already visited on me. I got so pissed off that I actually had to wait a day to write this blog post.

It starts with a voice mail from the local hospital that says “Please call X Hospital as soon as possible.” This is the entire message, and it’s delivered in an urgent tone. So I call there, leave a message, they call me back and ask me if I have time to do my pre-surgery assessment right now.

This is a bit of surprise to me. Why? Because I haven’t heard from anyone about having scheduled surgery. So I mention this to the person from the hospital, and she tells me that according to their records, I have surgery scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30AM.

I go ballistic. Not only have I not been asked at all about when I might be available, now I’ve been scheduled for surgery without even being informed! I called everyone I could get my hands on at ENT #2’s practice and rip them a new asshole, particularly the surgery scheduler. There is no way in hell I’m letting ENT #2 cut into me if that’s how they run a practice.

So I now have a new appointment tomorrow morning with ENT #1, who says I may not need the surgical biopsy, that we should be able to move into treatment. He’s also going to contact ENT #2 and mention that he may want to look at how he runs his practice.

I will be treated like a person, and remain in control of my treatment.