Being present

What matters.

A friend of mine recently wrote in her blog a post that caused me to stop and think about how we spend the limited time we’re given. The entire post is worth a read, but this particularly got my attention:

My dream is to be home more.  To spend time with my children while they are still relatively young.  To know the truly wondrous people they are becoming — not to receive five texts while I am at work saying, “I miss you.”

Me too, Dad.

As a dad, this strikes me. As a divorced parent with partial custody, it strikes me even more deeply. The time I spend with my daughter is sacrosanct. I don’t work during that time. I try to schedule travel around that time. When I do have to work or travel during those times, I make sure to negotiate make up time. I also make sure to be at every game, every concert, every play, every event. It’s never enough.

I’m sure Suzanne feels that she occasionally gets the short end of the stick. I work quite a lot. I’m on the road a good bit. I’m protective of time with the kid. Doesn’t leave much for Suzanne.

Hell, not even Seamus, my dog, gets all the time he deserves. I sometimes have to be reminded to grab moments with him, and to remind myself his life is short.

My answer – try to be fully present when you are there. Put aside the phone, the laptop, the TV, the phone, the phone, the phone. Immerse yourself completely in the important moments. I don’t manage to do this every time, but I try.

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