After I finished my workout, I was in the locker room and saw a young guy getting dressed. He was putting on one of the garments pictured at left, which made me think of products that perform similar functions, like the WonderBra, Spanx, or butt-enhancing underwear, which I was surprised to find for both men and women.
Marketers have a reputation for being fast and loose with the truth. I’ve always found this a bit offensive, though true about many in my profession. I’m a bit of a maverick in this regard. I don’t mind putting the best face on the truth, but the basis has to be true. Strip away the outer layers, the kernel has to be authentic. Social media and the internet has made it more important by making it possible to reveal the lies faster and more completely.
This gets me back to the guy with the man-girdle. Let’s assume he’s a single man, and finds someone to whom he’s attracted. She finds him attractive. They go on a date. One thing leads to another and they end up getting undressed. She discovers that those rock-hard slabs of abs and that thick manly chest are a fraud. Not a great way to start a relationship.
Your marketing is the same way. You should put the best face on your product or service, but at the end of the day, when prospect becomes client, there has to be truth under the gloss.
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