For some reason, this takes my by surprise every year. As per usual, I went to the gym on New Year’s Day. It was packed with new folks – the Resolutionists. I never remember they’re coming, but like the seasons, they appear every year around this time. Also like the seasons, they last about three months.
Every gym regular dreads the appearance of these folks. They take up space and equipment, and you know that they’re temporary. I admit that I am one who dreads them the most. I avoid the gym when it’s busiest. My version of hell is a packed gym. I’m not a morning person, but I make a point of going to the gym early to avoid crowds.
I’m challenging myself to welcome these folks rather than judge them. I have every reason to welcome them – even the ones that don’t stay. By joining but not showing up, they essentially subsidize the gym for the rest of us.
But that’s not much of a challenge, to look at the newbs with dollar signs in your eyes? I’m challenging myself to make them want to stay. Make room for them. Answer questions if they ask them. Let them work in.
Why am I doing this? One, it’s the right thing to do to be nice to other people. Two, because it’s truly a challenge – it’s diametrically opposite my desire for an empty gym. Three, I’m trying to put my money where my mouth is in regards to fitness. Rather than judging people for not being fit, I’m seeking to encourage, inspire, and help them to become fit.
Even if it does mean that my local gym gets that much busier.