I’m an average white guy. I have a corporate job, a kid, a house, an ex-wife, and a car payment. I’m in my mid-40s.
I do a lot of average white guy stuff, like wait in carpool reading a book, or messing around on my phone, just waiting for my kid to get done with school so we can go home. For the average white guy, this isn’t a problem.
For Keith Scott, it was a death sentence.
I have two cars, one of which is older and occasionally breaks down on the side of the road. I think nothing of getting out of the car to check and see what’s wrong with it, maybe trying to get it going again, or maybe just waiting for a tow. For me, the average white guy, this isn’t a problem.
For Terrence Crutcher, this was a death sentence.
These two shootings have me really disturbed, because I’ve been in those situations, and in no way have I ever felt my life threatened. In no way should it be, no matter what color I am. But for these two men, it mattered. Barring the difference in our skin color, they could have been me – 40ish guys doing what they have to do to get through life.
This fact illustrates a real problem. Police culture identifies these men as potential criminals because of their skin color. A history of oppression leads men of color to distrust the police and act more nervous than white men, which makes the police nervous, too.
Average white men, please take action. Vote every time you have the opportunity. Write to your representatives that this must stop. Protest when these things happen. Do what it takes, but this must end. We average white men have a responsibility to do what we can to make this end. Why? Because for better or for worse, we have the power in this country, and people listen to us. Let’s use that privilege to stop this insanity.
Nobody deserves to die for picking up their children at school. Nobody deserves to die because their car breaks down.
Nobody deserves to die for the color of their skin.